At Moonbox’s ‘The House of Ramón Iglesia’ Mi Casa Es Su Casa

Cast of Moonbox Productions’ ‘The House of Ramón Iglesia’. Photos by NIkolai Alexander

‘The House of Ramón Iglesia’Jose Rivera, Playwright. Arthur Gomez, Director. Cameron McEachern, Set Designer. Finn Bamber, Lighting Designer. Abraham Rebollo, Props Designer. Presented by Moonbox Productions, at The Mosesian Center for the Arts, Watertown, through May 1, 2023.

by Linda Chin

Unlike a bottle of fine wine, or an oak barrel of Ron del Barrilito, Ramón Iglesia’s house in suburban NYC is not aging well. The septic system and water pump are often on the blink, and the furnace is busted. Ramón and his wife Dolores, who moved from Puerto Rico to the US nineteen years before to make a better life for their family, are also in failing health. Dolores is reclusive (refusing to learn English adds to her isolation) and has frequent fainting spells, and Ramón’s limp is getting more pronounced (excessive drinking aggravates his diabetes), making them appear older than they are and more needy of their three sons’ attention.

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