La Broa’ at Trinity Rep, Educates, Entertains

Cast of La Broa’ at Trinity Rep

Reviewed by Tony Annicone

The first show at Trinity Rep in 2024, which is the continuation of its 60th season, is the world premiere of “La Broa'” by Orlando Hernandez, inspired by “Latino History of Rhode Island: Nuestras Raices,” oral histories collected by Marta V. Martinez. “La Broa”’ (Broad Street) draws from real-life stories of Providence’s Spanish-speaking immigrant communities over sixty years and is directed by Tatyana-Marie Carlo, a resident artistic company member. Hernandez takes these oral histories and weaves interesting, poignant, and awe-inspiring tales into a show that audience members can savor and enjoy. These stories are based on real people with some fictional events mixed in, ranging from gripping to entertaining but, most of all, educating and entrancing the crowd to understand how different cultures exist, not only on Broad Street. Rosa’s Market on Broad Street is the center of the stories Dona Rosa tells Ana, a student at Providence College, in 1992. The show is told with flashbacks to 1947 when Rosa came to New York from The Dominican Republic. She met her husband Tony there, and they eventually moved to Providence. This is where the characters interact during the show as Dona Rosa weaves tales of her past. They speak of immigration, how they adjusted to Providence, and cultural matters that affect them. Marta Martinez has worked on this script for the past ten years, and Trinity Rep performers make her and real-life people extremely proud in this astounding show.

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