Gloucester Stage Has Us Running ‘Barefoot in the Park’

(Richard Snee, Paula Plum, and Joe Short in Gloucester Stage’s ‘Barefoot in the Park’)

Review by James Wilkinson

‘Barefoot in the Park’Written by Neil Simon. Directed by Shana Gozansky; Set Design: Jeffrey Petersen. Lighting Design: Marcella Barbeau; Costume Design: Rachel Padula-Shufelt; Sound Design: David Remedios; Props Design: Lauren Corcuera. Presented by Gloucester Stage Company, 267 E Main St, Gloucester through June 30

Neil Simon is the theatrical equivalent of a cozy sweater. The kind you don’t wash for fear that the spin cycle will somehow upset the delicate balance of softness and warmth. At least, that’s the case for me. To admit my biases upfront, I’ll say that the man has earned (or perhaps the better word is ‘claimed’) a special spot in my theatrical-going heart because the first play I ever worked on back in high school was his 1981 play, Fools (not one of his better works, but for nostalgic reasons, it’s got its own room in that theater heart of mine). So, when I went to Gloucester Stage Company’s production of Barefoot in the Park (which I think is one of his better works), I went expecting a charming and enjoyable evening at the theater. And that’s exactly what I got. Gloucester Stage’s production is an incredibly charming and enjoyable one that goes down like a glass of warm milk.

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“BAREFOOT IN THE PARK” – Renaissance City Theatre Inc

Reviewed by Tony Annicone

Welcome back to New York City in 1963 to witness the Tony Award winning “Barefoot in the Park” by Neil Simon. This is the current show by Renaissance City Theatre Inc, the producing entity at the Granite Theatre. The show follows the lives of two newlyweds, Corie and Paul Bratter as they start their lives in a 5th floor brownstone walk up on 48th Street in New York City. They continually have to climb up six wheezing flights to get there. They also have no furniture and there is no room for a double bed. Also the paint job is all wrong, there’s no heat and it’s February. On top of all that their bohemian neighbor is only able to access his padlocked apartment via their window ledge. What results is a tale of two people coming to terms with loving each other for who they are, and accepting each other for who they are not. When Paul fails to grasp the romance of their quirky living situation, Corie begins to fear her husband is a stuffed shirt. Director Judy George directs and blocks this 1960’s Neil Simon comedy wonderfully. She obtains fine-tuned performances from them. This topnotch comedy receives a thunderous standing ovation at the close of the show as well as nonstop laughter all night long.

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