Boston Playwrights’ Theatre Excavates the Past with “Lorena: a Tabloid Epic”

Cast of “Lorena: A Tabloid Epic” at Boston Playwright’s Theatre. Photos by Stratton McCrady

by James Wilkinson

Lorena: a Tabloid Epic – Written by Eliana Pipes. Directed by Erica Terpening-Romeo. Scenic Design: Meg McGuigan. Lighting Design: Amanda Fallon. Sound Design: Sean A. Doyle. Costume Design: Emma George. Properties Design: Steven Doucette. Presented by Boston Playwrights’ Theatre at 949 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA 02215 through October 24, 2021

Because I’m the kind of person that likes theatre to be a social occasion, I brought a friend with me to see Boston Playwrights’ Theatre’s Lorena: a Tabloid Epic. When the final applause died down and the house lights came on, the two of us left our seats with a very heavy silence between us. We both appeared on the verge of saying something though neither of us seemed confident about what that something would be. So there it hung in the air between us and there it stayed until about two blocks away from the building when I decided to take the plunge and ask her the delicate question, “So what did you think of the show?”

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