Strong Acting Marks Nora Theatre’s “Cloud Nine”

Sophorl Ngin (Edward), Aislinn Brophy (Ellen), Joshua Wolf Coleman (Betty), Stephanie Clayman (Clive), Kody Grassett (Maud), and Marge Dunn (Joshua) in Act 1 of Cloud 9. Photo: Nile Scott Studios.

by Michele Markarian

“Cloud Nine”, by Caryl Churchill.  Directed by Lee Mikeska Gardner.  Presented by The Nora Theatre Company, 450 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, through June 30.

Given our current climate of the contraction/expansion of sexuality and all of its permutations, the decision of The Nora Theatre Company to produce Caryl Churchill’s “Cloud Nine” is an apt and timely one. Churchill presents us with sexuality in all of its extremes, often hilariously, sometimes disturbingly. Lee Mikeska Gardner’s excellent direction and the stellar acting by the seven-member cast make this an unforgettable theater-going experience.

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