Acropolis Stage Goes Towards the Light

Elliot Purcell and David Anderson in Acropolis Stage Company ‘s “Cherry Docs”

Review by James Wilkinson 

‘Cherry Docs’Written by David Gow. Directed by Evan Turissini. Scenic Design by Eliott Purcell and Evan Turissini. Costume Design by Olivia Dumaine. Lighting/Sound Design by Jeff Bousquet. Props Design by David Anderson. Law Practice Consultation by Will Korman. Judaism and Culture Consultation by Becky Price. Presented by Acropolis Stage Company at The Rockwell, 255 Elm St, Somerville through September 1st

When we first see Mike Downey, he sits like the Buddha, cross-legged, on a metal table. He appears, bathed in blue light and in his first few lines he’ll refer to Reflexology, the belief that the foot is an entry point that connects to the rest of the body. It’s an image of tranquility, but not a lasting one. We’ll soon be exposed to the reserves of rage and hate bubbling somewhere beneath that calm surface. Mike, you see, is an unabashed white supremacist currently awaiting trial for the murder of a Pakistani man. The character is one half of playwright David Gow’s two-hander, Cherry Docs, now being presented by the newly-formed Acropolis Stage Company. The other half is Danny Dunkelman, the Jewish lawyer who has been charged with defending Mike in court.

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